Public Health – Pima Recovers | Pima County Government
Public Health - Pima Recovers

Use of Funding

The purpose of these programs is to address emergent public health needs, including those measures to counter the spread and mitigate impacts of COVID-19, and through programs or services that address disparities in public health that have been exacerbated by the pandemic. Pima County has used this funding to increase the availability of testing, contact tracing, vaccination and personal protective equipment throughout the county, including areas of limited access. Pima County has worked with schools, childcare centers, health care agencies, first responders and businesses in order to maximize information sharing and to decrease the spread of the virus.

Program Specific Funding Breakdown

The table below displays programs funded by both the American Rescue Plan Act Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (ARPA CSLFRF), and Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act Coronavirus Relief Fund (CARES CRF).

The table below can be filtered alphabetically, from A-Z , in the left and middle columns or numerically, highest to lowest, in the right column. To do this click the column title that you want to filter.

Community Impact

Pima County Health Department identified a need for mobile vaccine and testing sites in areas of limited transportation and disproportionate impacts of COVID-19. To address this, teams were sent to over 630 sites resulting in over 69,600 vaccines administered at schools, faith based organizations and community centers.

The County also created a Personal Protective Equipment request process to help health care agencies, schools, public safety partners and businesses remain open. Since March 2020, over 21 million items have been distributed to the local agencies. A local assisted living facility that the program has been “Fantastic communication with all involved, well balanced distribution of items, and fast acquisition of quality PPE during initial time period and throughout this incident”.

Test kits and testing facilities have been organized to make it easy for all seeking tests to obtain them. With over 400,000 test kits distributed to schools, health care agencies and the general public the community has been able to help stop the spread by learning their status. more information on this can be found on the Pima County page.